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Pete & Kazu Wed's

Sunday in September 2012, my friend in college, Putrinda was married!

The reception was held in Antam Building South Jakarta. I was attended the reception and lucky for me the venue was close from my house.
I went to the event with my friend Febi and we met other friends there. After we graduated from college, we started to attended wedding by wedding and play 'guess who will be the next bride' game, the wedding became a reunion for us where we can meet college friends there. i kind of like it.

Anyway, the party really nice and warm. I like the theme and decoration, white-pink flowers here and there so soft and feminine while a couple of cherry blossom tree on the stage gave their Japanese charm. I took a liberty of took the namecard on table and read it, Janur Kuning. As i know Janur Kuning is one of the best decoration vendor in town, no wonder the decoration so gorgeous.

This is my favorite spot, well done!

the picture was taken from Putrinda's FB

Oh my apologize, I haven’t show you the bride and groom.

Here we were, the guests :

Christin, Me, Gina, Febi & Cae

Cae, Me, Gina, Christin

Me, Ria, Tabi (shanghai dress from wang fu jing kan!), Gita, Cae, GIna & CHristin

Febi & Me (what the ?)

Me & Christin

Gina & Me

Cae & Sutra

Thank you Pete & Kazu for inviting me to your gorgeous party.

Happy Wedding, May You Always Be The SaMaWa Couple
Untill death do you guys part

really fun to be a working at home mom

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Undangan pernikahan teman tinggal beberapa hari lagi tapi tanpa undangan jerawat muncul dan meradang. Jangan sampai deh tamu tak diundang merusak hasrat tampil kece di acara tersebut.

Menurut pengalamanku jerawat yang meradang (merah/bengkak) akan makin parah kalau ditimpa sama make up. Jadi  coba deh jerawatnya ditenangin dulu sama produk ini 

namanya Pure Nature Tea Tree & Rosemary Blemish Solver. Jerawat yang tadinya bengkak bisa lebih tenang dan gak memerah lagi, selain itu bisa membantu mengeringkan jerawat juga.

Tapi kalau gak cukup waktu semalaman untuk ‘mendiamkan’ si jerawat, tenang...langsung tutupi jerawat dengan concealer. Tapi jangan pake concealer biasa yaa, asal pake concealer cuma akan membuat si jerawat makin meradang setelahnya. Aku pake ini nih  :

Kenapa aku suka pake prodak ini, karena gak cuma tutupin noda tapi juga mengobati jerawatnya. Jadi gak ada tuh kasus lanjutan jerawat yang tambah radang setelah pake concealer asal-asalan.

Cara pakainya : pulas bagian berwarna hijau ke jerawat setelah itu pulas bagian berwarna krem. 

Tips : Pakai cuttonbud untuk mengoleskan concealer agar kuman tidak berpindah dari jerawat ke concealer.

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Trip To Singapore with Sister

Hai, how is your day?!

Well, meet me again in my Ceritasya’s Blog. Today I want to share my vacation in Singapore. We can say that this trip was my ‘wedding organizer and birthday’ gift from my sister. Last September, I helped my sister to arrange her engagement day and officially became her wedding organizer so she gave this trip as a reward. 

We planed to visited Singapore in February, and hope we can celebrate my 25th birthday there. Unfortunately, the ticket fee was lil bit high so we dicided to go in March. So, here it is.

First day – Kampong Glam and The Marina Bay Sands –

We arrived in Singapore at 9 am. Well since we still didn’t know where to go and couldn't go to the hotel before 3 pm, so we were agree to discuss it while we had a late breakfast in the airport. 

My first destination in Singapore was Universal Studio, but we put it in 2nd day, and the second was The Marina Bay Sands. We watched the commercial on tv and said ‘I have to go there’, but I wanted to see the sunset from the sky park so we have to go there in the afternoon. Before that, we must go somewhere between at 10 am – 2pm, so we decided to go to the Bugis Village.

Based on the travel book, we can go there by MRT, get off at Bugis Station and head out exit B to end up on Victoria Street.

To get there we passed Raffles Hospital and my sister was really excited to take a picture in front of that hospital. Maybe it’s because she is a doctor, so she wanted to take picture at every famous hospital. But still, weird for me =P

This picture was taken in front of The Golden Landmark, I played with the birds and maybe you can see far behind me, there is a mosque with golden dome? That is Sultan Mosque, and that would be our destination.

After walking about 10 minutes, we arrived at the mosque but we should go around the mosque to get the main entrance. The mosque design is quite simple for me, but nice. We took a midday pray and took a rest for a while before continue walk.
inside mosque

After taking a midday pray, we walked on Kandahar Street and passed several eateries housed in classic shophouses. This area was very fascinating, and perfect place to collect several pictures at the shops with classic style.
sleepy sam

restaurants and shops
gelato corner

Our next stop should be Istana Kampong Glam, but we couldn't find the palace even we already walked around the junction, and started to feel tired. My feet really hurt and my sister had a backpain, so we gave up the palace and  went to the hotel before we continue our journey to the Marina Bay Sands

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SEOUL – Day 3 “Bus Terminal”

Bangun tidur pagi ini disambut dengan pundak yang nyeri luar biasa =(
Ini gara2 mikul 3 kg cokelat batu di pundak, kok baru terasa pagi ini ya…hiks. Hari ini mau pergi ke salah satu tempat belanja, namanya Bus Terminal. Sesuainya namanya tempat ini emang terminal bis, tapi itu di luar. Di bawah tanah, ternyata ada tempat belanja nya. Mirip kayak Blok M mall di Jakarta. Isinya jualan Pakaian, makanan dan asesoris. Harganya cukup terjangkau, tapi banyak juga yang mahal.
baru mau berangkat

lagi nunggu bis mau pulang

mobil kebanyakan warna putih

Bus Terminal ini juga rame banget, terutama cewek2, karena ribet aku susah untuk foto2. Secara keseluruhan tempat ini memang mirip ITC yang dipindahin ke bawah tanah, hehehe.
Gak lama belanja kita langsung pulang dan main2 di taman apartemen.
Kalau sore banyak anak-anak dan ibu-ibu kumpul

sepeda digoes, baling-baling berputar
tasya & rainy
Malemnya mampir ke Times Square. Sayangnya kemaleman jadi mall udah mau tutup. Cukup gede mallnya.
pintu times square

gak terlalu banya kegiatan hari ini. Bagaimana dengan besok??

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SEOUL – Day 2 "Belanja Yuk"

Hari ini kita mau belanja. So..tujuan pertamanya adalah Namdaemun. Pasar ini udah terkenal banget sama kemurahan harganya dibandingkan tempat lain. Pakaian, makanan, asesoris juga oleh-oleh lengkap di sini. Model pasarnya ada yang di kaki lima, ada juga yang masuk ke metro. Harga barang di dalam metro lebih murah, tapi kita harus beli dalam jumlah besar/grosir. 

Di sini aku beli cokelat batu aquarium dan permen ginseng untuk oleh-oleh. Selain itu juga ada yang jual snack semacam roti, cukup enak. Sementara sepupu dan tante istirahat sambil makan roti, aku pergi lihat-lihat baju diskonan di kaki lima. Ternyata bajunya masih bagus2 loh, cukup berbekal sabar dan ketelitian. Mirip-mirip pasar senen/ pasar baru =D

Walau belum puas jelajah pasar Namdaemun, kita lanjut ke Myeong-dong. Wah ini salah satu tempat favorit. Mirip seperti Insa-dong, Myeong-dong juga tempat belanja yang bentuknya kayak labirin.

Toko-tokonya kebanyakan menjual kosmetik, terutama kosmetik Korea ya. Sebut ajaThe Face Shop, Mischa, Etude, Tony Moly dan masih banyak lagi. 

(sumber : http://www.flickr.com/photos/seoulkorea/4742097203/sizes/m/in/photostream/)

Satu merk kosmetik gak cuma punya satu gerai, bisa lebih dari 5 gerai. Walaupun didominasi dengan produk dalam negeri, tapi The Body Shop tetep pede mejeng produknya. Selain kosmetik banyak juga toko dengan brand luar negeri seperti Zara, Converse, Adidas, dan lain-lain. 

Pilih-pilih kaca mata.



 And the winer is…..

Perut mulai lapar. Makan di Lotteria. Ini restoran burger.Eh ketemu turis dari Indonesia asala Kalimantan. Duh lupa namanya. Si mbak ini emang sengaja liburan sendirian ke Seoul. Pingin juga travelling sendirian kayak gitu, tapi kalau inget harus nanggung uang hotel/ sewa kamar sendirian, mendingan ajak temen  untuk share deh ya. Hehehehe.

Hari ini memang gak mengunjungi banyak tempat. Tapi aku cukup senang bisa belanja baju lucu-lucu dengan harga murah. Asyiikk….ini dia hasil hunting hari ini 
6 pcs baju + 1 kacamata

Aku akan kembali ke Myeong-dong lain kali =)

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